IDE64 Download

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This page contains selected documents and original software intended for IDE64

The main software archive is at:


IDE64 user's guideThe comprehensive IDE64 interface cartridge user's guide
IDE64 utilsContains CFSfdisk partitioner and formatter tool necessary for the initializing the CF/hard disk drive
IDE64 release notesContains up-to-date information for the IDE64 release
DUART release notesContains DUART jumper configuration setup
How to program for IDE64Necessary info for programmers how to code of fix programs or games for IDE64
SHORT BUS descriptionHW information about SHORT BUS
Amiga Clock portIDE64 V4.1 Amiga Clock port timing diagram
C64 IO addressesC64 IO address standard
IDE64 emulation in VICETutorial, how to set up IDE64 emulation in VICE [DJ Gruby]
IDE64 emulation in VICEHow to enable IDE64 emulation in VICE, revision 2 of the original document
FUSE CFS howtoHow to setup compile and run CFS 0.11 filesystem driver for FUSE (e.g.Linux, FreeBSD) [DJ Gruby]
IDE64 Manager plugins howtoHow to associate and setup Manager plugins [DJ Gruby]
Copying Floppy Disks to IDE64Dumping the content of your floppy disk collection to an IDEDOS hard drive [Paweł Król]
Handling D64 disks on IDE64Handling the D64 disk images on an IDE64 [Paweł Król]

SW Tools for IDE64

The IDE64 SW Tools are intended for IDEDOS V.90, tools for the outdated IDEDOS V.8x are at the following page

PCLink LatestContains Win32 binary and multiplatform source for USB PCLink (ideservd)
PCLink V.24Contains Win32 binary and multiplatform source for USB PCLink (ideservd)
PCLink V.22Contains Win32 binary and multiplatform source for various PCLink (ideservd) options
Perom ProgrammerPerom programmer comes together with the IDEDOS and IDEDOS utils, please visit
man_usr_creatorPerl script, use it to generate a "man,usr" file on your PC. [DJ Gruby]
USB PCLink device driverLink to FTDI chip manufacturer
Hard disk monitorEnables you to read, display, edit and write sectors of ATA devices. (FOR IDE64 V4.1)
SCA Converter 1.0SCA - streamed char animation 200x160 pixels, Win32 converter and player
P.D. Image CreatorPhysical Drive I. C. V0.9, Win32 tool which allows you to create full backup of your physical media into an image file
Plugins pack 2012The archive contains recent collection of IDE64 File Manager plugins including configuration file "usr,man". Just unzip it to your root filesystem!
GEOS 2.0 IDE64 V4.x boot diskYTM version of the GEOS 2.0 with IDE64 V4.x driver. It needs dedicated disk drive (CF) with GEOS native filesystem on it. Sources and more information.
The plain GEOS boot disk was taken from the Cenbe's Commodore 64 Pages.
GEOS 2.0 IDE64 V4.x .d81 boot diskYTM version of the GEOS 2.0 with IDE64 V4.x driver. Works with 1581 drive and SD2IEC drive. It needs dedicated disk drive (CF) with GEOS native filesystem on it. Sources and more information.
fusecfs-2.0.4 WinAllows you to access IDE64 CFS filesystem directly from Windows PC. Uses WinFsp FUSE implementation.

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